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Thousands of humans, locals and from all over the world, gather to watch dozens of humans, brutally wrestle to the ground hundreds of wild horses, who were earlier captured and convoyed to a ring, so they can cut their manes and tails’ hair and brand them or inject an identification chip under their skin (depends on the level of technology). The practice is common in several villages around Galicia but the most famous and popular is annually held in Sabucedo in the first weekend of July, for three days. In Sabucedo the ring (called Curros) is a centuries-old amphitheater made of stone and not wood, to spice things up, the horses fetching and ring admission is also festive, meaning a huge crowd awaits the already terrified wild horses who are even more prudish than domesticated horses. But the most "attractive" difference is that the horses’ grounding in Sabucedo is done barehanded. No instruments are allowed, the Aloitadores (the Subduers) can only use their hands and body, and they do with all their might. Kicking, punching, strangling and pulling tails and ears. Everything goes and the crueler the thriller.

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